STRATEGy development

One of the biggest mistakes organizations make with their diversity & inclusion initiatives is devising a plan that is counter productive to their overall mission. Your diversity initiative should NEVER detract from your mission. Instead it should attack the barriers that detract from your mission.
Basic Diversity will partner with you and use our experience and expertise to:
› Assist you in devising your long-term and short-term diversity objectives
› Create, refine, can communicate your diversity business case
› Provide advise and counsel, empowering you to reach your diversity objectives
› Provide training to ensure the achievement of your goal
We will utilize our “7-A Strategic Diversity Process” to custom design your diversity strategy. This is a holistic process to create an inclusive environment that:
› Saves money
› Increases Productivity
› Improves recruiting and retention
› Helps stave off a talent shortage
› Increases Innovation and Creativity

1. Assign
› Assign key roles and responsibilities
› Identify your business drivers
› Map out where you want to be
2. Assess
› Audit your current diversity climate
› Select and train diversity team
3. Analyze
› Determine stepping-stones
› Build on existing strengths
› Eliminate weaknesses
4. Announce (Communicate)
› Engage and Inform key stakeholders
› Motivate the masses
› Develop a clear and concise diversity statement
› Weave the diversity message throughout every mainstream communication vehicle
5. Act (Implement)
› Adjust internal processes, practices, and systems
› Custom design educational programs
› Conduct training
› Diversity Improvement Process (Recruiting, Retention, & Communications)
› Organize, develop, and facilitate Diversity Councils and/or task forces (optional)
6. Ascertain (Measure)
› Measure the achievement of objectives
› Measure the impact of programs and activities
› Compile data and present and report
7. Adjust
› Modify processes as necessary
› Adjust areas that fell short of success
› Determine new stepping stones
› Award Achievement!!!