Retainer Agreements

In the Advisory Level Retainer BASIC Diversity would serve as your backstage resource, consistently accessible via phone and email to the Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) or principle point person charged with the responsibility of implementing and managing your organization’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiative. In this capacity Basic Diversity’s role would include sounding board for plans, idea and technique source for implementation steps, “Angel’s Advocate” on key moves, third-party objective review source, and process facilitator. BASIC Diversity would be consistently accessible by phone and e-mail for document review and advice.
This option:
› The client organization is responsible for creating and managing the initiative
› BASIC Diversity will provide advisory and consulting services via phone and email with the principle point person responsible for the enterprise-wide DEI initiative (usually the DEI Department).
› Requires a one-year retainer agreement.
With the Consultative Level Retainer, the consultant still reports directly to the CDO/primary point person charged with the responsibility of implementing and managing your organization’s DEI initiative. In addition to the responsibilities and contributions of the Advisory option above, BASIC Diversity, Inc., would also work with the small team responsible to assist the primary point person/CDO. Basic Diversity will help the team members with their role in the DEI initiative; recommend adjustments to systems and procedures that require modification in order to work optimally within the strategic DEI initiative; assist in evaluating the effectiveness of critical DEI related elements that impact recruiting, retention, succession planning, etc. BASIC Diversity would be consistently accessible by phone and e-mail for document review and advice, and we would meet with the CDO/primary point person for up to one (1) full day per quarter.
This option includes all the services in the Advisory option above, plus the following additions:
› BASIC Diversity will provide on-site consulting services for up to one (1) full-day per quarter.
› Consulting services expand beyond just the CDO/primary point person to now include the small team assisting the CDO/primary point person.
› Requires a two or three-year retainer agreement and a pre-contract CEO interview.
With the Collaborative Level Retainer, you are entitled to all the services described in both the Advisory and Consultative options above. In addition, BASIC Diversity would also provide specific skills development and/or coaching to the select team referenced above who report directly to the CDO/primary point person (up to 3 people). The involvement here would also entail constant accessibility by phone and e-mail for document review and advice; we would also meet with the CDO/primary point person for up to two (2) full days per quarter.
This option includes all the services in the Advisory and Consultative options above, with the following additions:
› BASIC Diversity will provide on-site consulting services for up to two (2) full-days per quarter.
› The DEI initiative is created jointly between the client organization and BASIC Diversity.
› Consultant will provide skills development and/or coaching for up to three (3) people who report directly to the CDO/primary point person.
› Requires a three-year retainer agreement and a pre-contract CEO interview.
› All three (3) retainer level options include unlimited access to my time and help via phone and email.
› Basic Diversity’s level of direct involvement increases with each increased level of retainer agreement, in accordance with the parameters described per level above.
› These options include the educating and/or training of the small select team directly supporting the CDO/primary point person responsible for the strategy development, implementation and day-to-day functions of the DEI initiative. However, these options do
not include training/educational functions of the organization’s employee base beyond that small select team. Services provided to anyone beyond that team will be covered under a separate contractual agreement.
› These options include the educating and/or training of those employees who are responsible for the strategy development, implementation and day-to-day functions of the diversity, equity and inclusion initiative. However, training/educational functions of the organization’s employee base beyond the small team directly supporting CDO/primary point person mentioned above, will be covered under a separate contractual agreement.
› The on-site time that is not used during a quarter cannot be carried over to a later quarter.
› Unlimited access does not include weekends, holidays or evenings (After 7:00 PM EST).