Cultural Assessments
Cultural Assessment
The Cultural Assessment is the foundational starting point for an effective diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiative. It is an industry best practice and a cornerstone for a long-term initiative. We recommend that the assessment be partnered with a strategy session, and followed by a consulting retainer with BASIC Diversity. The Cultural Assessment consist of the following:

1. 1-on-1 Executive Interviews
The goal of these interviews is to acquire a leadership perspective on diversity as it relates to each division/department/branch of the organization. The data from these interviews will be compiled to determine the leadership’s desired outcomes and diversity goals for the organization. This data, combined with the information gathered from the focus groups (below), will become the foundation for the organization’s overall DEI strategy. The outcome will allow us to assess quickly how viable (or not) current plans appear in light of the indicators of culture. It helps us get past the unanticipated problems that derail over 60% of change efforts.
2. Focus Groups
Research shows that small group settings (where there is comfort and safety) are more prone to provide candid, frank and open dialogue. Focus groups provide this kind of atmosphere, and because they are interactive, they provide much more insight than questionnaires. The data gathered will allow BASIC Diversity to prepare an in-depth analysis of the organization’s work environment from the perspective of every major demographic group within your organization. It will also provide insight into recommended solutions from both dominant (majority) and non-dominant (minority) groups’ point of view. Additionally, because every major segment of your organization is involved in the research and design process, you greatly increase your probability of obtaining “buy-in” and reducing “backlash” to your DEI initiative.
3. Organizational Assessment Analysis and Report
BASIC Diversity will analyze all of the data gathered from items 1 and 2 above, and prepare a report that lays out your strengths to build on, obstacles to overcome, key issues to address, and recommended next steps to achieve your desired diversity, equity and inclusion outcomes.
Additional Options:
› Strategic Planning Session
› Retainer Agreement
› Retainer Agreement