Additional Growth Experiences

Regardless of the specific statistics within your organization, every enterprise is being challenged by gender equity issues. BASIC Diversity has created a seminar to help organizations successfully manage this cultural reality — “Engendering Gender Greatness: A Collaboration for Equitable Excellence”. Research shows that men are experiencing feelings of vulnerability and confusion as it relates to gender relations, while women are expressing frustration and anger. This seminar helps participants deal with those feelings. It also empowers both men and women with knowledge, skills and techniques to better understand, communicate and empathize with each other.
It’s customizable and is comprised of three main components:
› Gender Basics — Acculturation, communication and societal norms & attitudes.
› Business Case — “Gender Impact” on your workforce, workplace, marketplace and communities.
› Analyzing Our Perceptions — Perceptions & stereotypes; and understanding and dealing with the 3 specific types of sexism.
2. 4 Generations; 1 Workplace (2 or 4-hour format)
Baby Boomers began retiring in 2008. Their exodus peaked in 2016, creating a talent shortage that will last at least until 2028. Since 1946 Baby Boomers have impacted, shaped and controlled every segment of American society; but the balance of power is about to shift. Boomers currently make up 60% of the “Prime-age Workforce” (those workers 25-54 years old). As they leave, they will be replaced with a new team of players who are younger and possess a totally different set of motivators and drivers. Face it, there’s a new Sheriff in town and she (or he) is techno-savvy, impatient about moving into leadership, craves diversity, and loves to question authority. Are you and your organization ready? This seminar will help participants assess their organizational environment, and empower them with tips and tools to better manage and collaborate across generational groups.
3. Differences That Make A Difference (8-hour format)
This program is designed to help participants understand the relevance, significance and impact of three of the most prominent segments of diversity today – RACE, GENDER, AND GENERATIONS. Participants leave this seminar with a basic understanding and some cross-cultural skill sets related to each of these diversity topic areas. Topics covered are: foundational understanding, business case, impact on organizational productivity & success; and impact on society as a whole.
4. Diversity Follow-up Series (2-hour format)
Recent studies indicate that the most effective way to ensure concepts and skills are embedded into the workplace and ingrained as personal habits, is to reinforce concepts via recurring involvement/reinforcement. As a result, we have developed our Diversity Follow-up Series. These “mini-seminars” and/or dialogue sessions are a non-threatening forum where participants can openly and frankly ask questions and explore the topics of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical abilities, etc… This is a MUST if you want to ensure the longevity of your training initiatives and create an inclusive culture.
5. “What’s the BUSINESS About Diversity” (90 minutes)
Regardless of organization type; corporate, non-profit, educational or government, DEI (diversity, equity & inclusion) is still an issue of monetary concern. Whether the expense shows up in the form of lost revenue, decreased productivity, poor employee retention or lawsuits, it still cost you money. This 90-minute presentation explains why diversity initiatives make sound business and/or organizational sense. By doing so, “…it turns opponents into proponents”. Very effective at eliminating animosity and “backlash” toward your diversity efforts.
6. Understanding the Identity Developmental Models (2-4 hours)
An invaluable asset for leaders, managers, executives and diversity trainers. The identity developmental models are the most precise mechanism available for identifying and understanding a person’s specific level of development as it relates to race, gender, sexual orientation, and other diversity centered topics. This course teaches participants how to apply these models towards relationships among their coworkers and/or subordinates. This new knowledge empowers leaders, executives, managers and trainers with the ability to reach, teach and develop every individual specifically at their exact level of development. Thus, enhancing everyone’s ability to coexist and be productive within a diverse work environment.
7. The Principles of Interracial Interaction (1 day)
With over 45 years in business dealing with race relations; we at BASIC Diversity have had the opportunity to witness an immeasurable amount of interracial interactions. As a result, we have discovered a set of principles that are regularly at work when people interact across racial lines. This 1-day seminar teaches those principles and improves participants’ abilities to interact in racially diverse work groups, office settings and other environments.
8. Multicultural Teambuilding (3 hours)
More and more organizations are adopting the “team oriented” concept of doing business. After all, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” But if those “parts” conflict, the result could be mass chaos. The “Guiding Principles” taught in this seminar help individual team members better understand each other and work more harmoniously in spite of their cultural differences. Extremely entertaining, yet very educational.
9. “Lunch & Learns” (1 1/2 – 2 hours)
“Mini-seminars” that are conducted over lunch. Similar to the Diversity Follow-up Series (listed above).
10. Custom Designed Seminars/Events (any length)
From 2-hour “mini-seminars” to complete Executive Diversity Retreats, the BASIC Diversity staff is skilled at designing diversity seminars, keynotes and/or presentations that are tailored to meet your organizations specific needs. Want unique DEI experiences that no one else has seen or done? Let us know and we’ll design it for you.